Let's Concentrate on Your
Body & Soul
In Him we live and move and have our being - Acts 17:28
Click the Links Below to Register for Classes!
We are now taking weekly registrations for classes so that we can know how many of you are coming! Please click on the class button below to let us know if you will be in class with us this week.
Body & Soul - Eden's Health and Wholeness Ministry
Body & Soul is designed to promote wellness and a healthy lifestyle in a safe, God-focused atmosphere by offering a variety of exercise classes that are fun, provide spiritual encouragement and create community. We seek to improve the health and wellness of the members of our church and community through a program that improves the physical fitness of our members, the practice of healthy living, as well as inviting people to experience their EPIC journey with God. These classes are led by certified instructors who can help you on your path to fitness.
Please RSVP by texting your instructor if attending. This will help us gauge interest in providing these new classes. Courses are donation based. Suggested donation is $7.
Meet Your Instructors
Terri Carter ACE Certified Instructor, Certified Body Flow Instructor
Terri will be teaching Cardio & Strength, Body Flow, and Active Older Adult
Born and raised in Ashtabula, Ohio, Terri moved to Muncie in 1989 with her husband Brian. She has loved being active from a very young age and it shows: from playing in her front yard and roller skating to doing group exercise classes, riding her bicycle around the perimeter of the United States, running, and later teaching group exercise classes at the Muncie and Yorktown YMCAs. Terri has taught a variety of classes in her 15 years at the YMCA, including Cycling, Strength, Cardio, HIIT, Silver Sneakers, Active Older Adult, BodyFlow, Stretching, Live Strong, a Cancer survivors class.
Terri says, "The Lord is leading me in other adventures now and one of those is my getting certified as Group Fitness Instructor from ACE (American Council on Exercise). My journey with Jesus has been an exciting, and adventurous one. I love the Lord with all my heart, mind and soul and I pray to bring the love of Jesus to everyone I come in contact with through the classes I teach through Eden Body & Soul!"
(765) 748-0373 • terri.carter61@gmail.com
Pastor Tammy Hallam MDiv, RHYI, Instructor
Pastor Tammy will be teaching Holy Yoga
Pastor Tammy is an ordained pastor with the Evangelical Covenant Church. She received her Master of Divinity through Phoenix Seminary and training in Spiritual Direction from North Park Seminary in Chicago. She has served for over twenty years as a pastor in local churches in Arizona and now in Indiana with a focus on spiritual formation, leadership development and community transformation. Her passion is to walk alongside others in their journey towards understanding God’s desire to know and love them and how they can respond to that love and live a God-inspired life. One way she loves to do this is through her certification as a registered Holy Yoga instructor.
(602) 334-0136 • edenmunciepastor@comcast.net

Cardio & Strength
Saturdays at 9am
This class is a combination of Cardiorespiratory intervals and Strength intervals. The class focuses on short bursts of high-intensity cardio, strength, balance and flexibility exercises. All working together to help you improve or maintain the ability to do activities of daily living (ADL)! There will be sweating involved so bring your towel, water and of course a smile! You will be glad you came!!

Core & Stretch
Thursdays at 5:45 - 6:45pm
This class is an excellent way to strengthen your core and back muscles. You will come away feeling like you worked hard and stretched your body out as well! This class comes to you by an instructor who is certified through the Les Mills organization. Les Mills is a leader in the fitness industry whose goal is to “help people fall in love with fitness so they want to work out.”
Holy Yoga
Tuesdays at 5:30pm
Come and be rejuvenated! Holy Yoga is designed to provide students with an opportunity to connect with God, information on the benefits of yoga, Holy Yoga philosophy, breath work, instruction of the primary poses along with scripture meditation. There is no prior experience of you needed
What to bring to classes: exercise/yoga mat, light weights, small towel or blanket, yoga strap and block is optional. For more info contact your instructors.

Active Older Adult
Tuesdays at 10:30 - 11:30am
Thursdays at 10:30 - 11:30am
This class is a combination of standing and sitting exercises. The class focuses on all the elements important for an older adult to stay independent, vibrant, healthy, and happy! The class is made up of a combination of cardio, strength, flexibility, functionality, agility, and balance, all done in a group setting that is safe, welcoming, and encouraging.