Renew Weekly
At Eden Church we are intentional about creating pathways to inspire you to experience life with God in real and tangible ways. One of those pathways is Renew. This e-newsletter will come to your inbox every weekend with spiritual encouragement from our current series, links to events and information, Scripture references for the coming Sunday and questions for individual or group reflections. Church was never meant to end in a room so take a fresh breath and let God Renew your spirit
Encounter - We have been created for relationship with God and He intends that we experience life with Him every minute of every day. We can encounter God through scripture, prayer, nature, art, worship, circumstances and community (just to name a few). Our devotion each week is an invitation to make space for that encounter.
Reflect - As we make space for reflection away from the chaos and busyness of our lives, we will find that our mind, body and spirit can experience a sense of renewal and refreshing as we ask the HolySpirit to help us understand more of who we are in light of who He is as our Creator and friend. We ask the question, “What does this mean for me, for us?”
Encourage - As we experience renewal and growth, God’s love and blessing will naturally overflow to those we are in relationship with. God calls us to be encouragers and to freely pass on to others the blessings we have found as sons and daughters of God.
Gather - We need each other! God has wired it so that we are spiritually formed through community. We take time to intentionally meet for fellowship, coffee, meals together, Life Groups and recreation so that we can enjoy life together and grow in our love for God and one another by asking questions and talking about how God’s word is relevant to each of our lives. Each week we list questions for discussion.