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January 23, 2025

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The Alpha Course Kicks Off February 10!

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Got Questions about God?

What if there were a place where you can ask any question that's on your heart or mind about God? 2025 will bring about the return of the Alpha Course to Eden, a place where you can gather with others who have questions they'd like answers to as well!


What is Alpha?


Alpha is a series of conversations about things we all question in life: Why do bad things happen to good people? What's the purpose of life? What's next?


If you're looking for a judgment-free space to ask hard questions and share your own opinion, there's a place for you.



Connecting with others is what we were made for. All sessions start with a time to connect and build friendships, eliminating awkwardness and creating space for important conversations.



Alpha’s content explores the big questions we all ask, and guests from any background can unpack the basics of Christian faith. Bring your questions, you’ll find you’re not alone. 



Those who attend Alpha share that their small group discussions are hands-down the best part of the experience. No questions are off limits and there’s nothing you can’t say (really). 


Stay tuned for more details!

Landmark Team back in Indy

Progress is the word they came away from their time with Indiana Landmarks 3rd module! Thankful for this team who loves to witness to how we follow Jesus and make a difference in our community. God will do exceedingly abundantly!


Be sure to ask them about the process and how it's going!

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Upcoming iServe Opportunities

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JANUARY - We are collecting pajamas for kids size 14-16 for Isaiah 117 House! Hannah Coffman's powerful message this past Sunday highlighted this powerful new local ministry that is making a difference for kids in tough situations.

FEBRUARY - Join Team Eden today and sign up to help us raise $1000 for Muncie Mission's Walk a Mile in My Shoes on Saturday, February 15! This annual event brings our entire community together to raise money in the fight against addiction and homelessness. 

SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, March 9


Dr. Danny Martinez from the Central Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church will return to Eden to share more about a possible future together with the ECC. Pastor Tammy is ordained through the Evangelical Covenant Church and is actively involved in it. Don’t miss this transformational Sunday!


To learn more, go to: and

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Did You Know...

...that we're still collecting food for Christian Ministries?


Unfortunately, our faithful food bank volunteer, Mr. Jim Benefiel, has had to step away from his role as our liaison to Christian Ministries Food Bank. Jim's dedication to this ministry has been an inspiration over the past couple of years. Thank you, Jim, for your work in this area!


We're still taking in food donations as they come in and would welcome volunteers to help us get the offerings to Christian Ministries as often as we have them. Is God calling to your heart to serve in this capacity or form a team to handle this need? Please let Pastor Matt or Julie know if you'd like to serve in this capacity. 


How's YOUR Reading Going, Eden?

Missed a day? NO PROBLEM! You can catch up, or simply get to where you need to be! Download the Bible Study Together App and start today!

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Do you feel like the Bible is an outdated resource? Give us a chance to Change Your Mind...


The 730 Challenge: Living God's Story Genesis to Revelation is a 730 Day journey through the Bible that will transform the way you look at God and His Story. And it takes just 10 minutes a day!


If you haven't already, go ahead and click the link below and download the Bible Study Together App. The best part is, once you connect with the app, it'll take you to the current day - no judgement if you've missed some!

Reading the Entire Bible Doesn't Have to Be Overwhelming!

The exciting thing about The 730 Challenge using the Bible Study Together App and materials is that it makes reading the entire Bible so doable! By breaking it down into daily segments that only take 10 minutes a day, you can make progress you'll be proud of. And best of all? We'll all be on the same page when we come to church on Sundays!


Got questions? See the staff for assistance!

are You

Sharing Jesus with?

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Need to Speak with a Pastor?

If you would like to meet with Lead Pastor Tammy Hallam, Worship and NextGen Pastor Matt Thornburg, or Staff Pastor Phil Freel, you can schedule an appointment to meet in person or virtually. Please know that your pastoral staff is here to support and encourage you through counseling, spiritual direction and practical guidance.

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