Encounter: “And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.” Ephesians 3:18-19 NLT
Find a quiet place and read 1 Corinthians 1:4-9. Close your eyes and consider all of your relationships. Consider what those relationships mean to you. Consider how intimate or deep those relationships are. Consider your relationship with Jesus. How does your relationship with Jesus compare to your other relationships?
When I reflect back on my relationships with others and with Jesus through the years, I have found that my relationship with Jesus has changed dramatically over the last couple of years. While I have been a bi-vocational pastor for a number of years and have led small groups prior to accepting my calling into ministry, my relationship with Jesus wasn’t very intimate. By that, I had a relationship, but I believe it was mostly a head type relationship when I wanted it. I could not have been able to preach, teach and shepherd while working a very demanding job without a relationship with Christ. But I could also tell that something was missing.
Coming to Eden and following the model of small groups, triads, and spiritual direction, I have found a greater wealth of knowing Jesus with more than my head. I have gained a new strength to deal with life’s experiences than what I have before.
When you consider your closest relationship, you probably have someone you confide in, someone you trust, someone you know will be there for you when you need them the most. That same relationship probably knows how to help you, what to say, and prays for you regardless if you need it or nor.
Jesus wants that same relationship with you. Believe it or not, He is always with you. The last half of verse 20 in Matthew 28 Jesus tells us “And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” How can we know this? By training ourselves to seek the Kingdom first, looking for Jesus in the mundane and excitement of everyday life.
Reflect: take a deep breath and let go of all random thoughts. Consider your relationships with others and with Jesus. Reflect back on the last day, week, or month and ask yourself how you feel about your relationship with Jesus when comparing your other relationships. Ask yourself if you know how wide, how tall, how deep, or how long Jesus’ love is for you? Ask God to reveal to you what he would like for you to consider to deepen your relationship with Him.
Spiritual Practice: The Daily Examen is a prayer in which you review the happenings of your day with God and you ask for God to reveal to you how He was present with you through your events. Saint Ignatius practiced this type of prayer three to four times a day. I do this daily and sometimes, twice in a day. It is a great way to awaken your heart for more sightings of Jesus throughout your day.
Gather: As you gather in your small groups, reflect and discuss how you see your relationship with Jesus and what God has revealed to you on ways to deepen your relationship. Sometimes when we can name those things aloud, we find we have a greater chance of committing to a change. Small groups are a great way to find support and encouragement to make the change God may be revealing to you to deepen your relationship with Him.