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Living A Rule of Life


Encounter: Grab your Bible and find a quiet place. Take a couple of slow deep breaths and let go of whatever is preventing you from freeing yourself to be present with God. Read Joshua 22:1 - 5. How does your daily life compare to the commands given to the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Menasseh?

Joshua tells the tribes in verse 5; “But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the LORD gave you: to love the LORD your God, to walk in obedience to him, to keep his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.” Sounds so simple. But is it or was it for the Israelites during this time? What did you find when you considered your daily life?

Almost two years ago, two groups did a twelve week study “Crafting a Rule of Life.” The intent was for those who participated to understand what a rule of life is and how we can use this system to develop good practices that promote an ongoing growing relationship with God. By the end of the study, we created a rule of life that was going to be a guide for our journey to growing closer to God.

As we know, the Israelites didn’t do a very good job following the commands and laws given. Truth be told, I have failed to adhere to the rules and commands.  As Apostle Paul says in Romans chapter 7, verse 15; “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.” But as Paul states in verse 25; “Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” God knew we would struggle. Most often than not, we grow stronger and deepen relationships through our struggles.

You may ask, “ what value is there in creating a rule of life? For that answer, I would ask you; “What are your heart’s deepest desire?” This is where you will find your answer. In the book, “Practicing the Way,” John Mark Comer states; “You have a way in which you live: a morning routine, a typical workday, a network of relationships, a budget, activities you spend your free time on, and so on. The question isn’t, Do you have a rule of life? It’s, Do you know what your rule of life is? And is it giving you the life you want? Is it working for you or against you?”

My rule of life wasn’t working for me. As you read this, I am currently revamping my rule of life. Again from John Mark Comer, “ Life is all about seasons, and just as our schedules, budgets, and relationships change in various seasons of our journeys, so should our rule of life.

This Sunday, we will look at some of the characteristics of “a rule of life.” These “rules” are meant to be guidelines to aid in your journey of deepening your relationship with God and one another. As I re-evaluate my rules of life, maybe some of you will join me in creating your rule of life to deepen your relationship with God.

Reflect: take some time and reflect with God what your current rule of life happens to be. Pray about the elements that make up your routine and ask God to reveal to you opportunities to change that may help to grow your relationship with Him.

Spiritual Practice: Read Joshua 22:1-5 slowly several times. Circle any words that God draws to your attention. After the last read of the scripture, ask God what His invitation for you might be. Journal your conversation with Him.

Gather: As you gather, share your reflections from the Spiritual Practice. As a group that meets regularly consider what your rules of life might be as a group. Do your own rules blend with the group rules and promote growing relationships with God and one another?



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