Encounter - After Jesus rose from the dead, he appeared to his disciples over a period of 40 days before he ascended into heaven. Read these three accounts in the Legacy Standard Bible on Bible Gateway: Matthew 28:16-20. Luke 24:44-48, and Acts 1:1-8.
You shall be My witnesses. These are the words of Jesus to his disciples. Witness. An interesting word. A witness in a court trial is someone who has seen or heard something. Something relevant to the guilt or innocence of whoever is on trial. And they are willing to tell what they have seen or heard.
Witness can also be used as a verb: to tell what you have seen or heard, to witness to something you have seen or heard.
As reported in our scripture reading from Acts, Jesus amazed his disciples by “presenting Himself alive” after he was crucified, dead, and buried, proving that it was really him; he had risen from the dead. He said that they would “be baptized with the Holy Spirit”, which happened a few days later at Pentecost. In Luke 24:44-48, describing the same scene, we learn that “He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.” Then he said “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the end of the earth.”
I believe Jesus is saying the same thing to us. You will be my witnesses in Eaton and Albany, in Hartford City and Muncie and beyond.
What do we witness? What do we see and hear? What are we bearing witness to? What is our message to the world outside of our faith community?
First, Jesus is alive. He was crucified, dying for my sins and yours. But he rose from the dead, conquering death itself, that we might have life in Him. Life with God. Life in a faith community like Eden. We are a welcoming community seeking transformation through relationship with Jesus Christ and encouraging others to join us. Look around. Look within yourself. Do we see transformation? Yes! Praise God, Yes! This is what we bear witness to. Something is happening at Eden! Come and see what it is. Come thirsty! Come expecting something! Come to encounter God! Jesus said “... blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear. For truly I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.” (Matthew 13:16-17) Do you see it? Do you hear it? Lord, continue to give us eyes to see and ears to hear.
May God bless you and keep you,
Reflect - What does “You shall be My witnesses.” mean for you? How are you a witness?
Encourage - What do you see and hear that is encouraging to you?
Gather - Discuss these questions in your small group.