"I AM the Law of Moses..."
The Chosen is a ground breaking TV show made for the web. You can stream it on your phone or TV straight through The Chosen App! You can also click the links below to watch The Chosen on your computer. [See the TECHNICAL NOTES below.] There are also Discussion Guides below for you to go deeper into the series.
We encourage you to pray about inviting people who do not yet know Christ to watch The Chosen with you, and even to host “watch parties” through the App.
To view all three seasons for FREE, click the links below to download The Chosen App.
These links will not work on your phone - you need to download the app to view on your phone.
The direct links above will work on an iPad in the web browser like a laptop.
If you are viewing on an Amazon Kindle Fire, you will need to go to the Amazon App Store and download the app.
So many ways to view The Chosen! :)
There are study guides for each episode to help you better understand The Chosen and the corresponding scriptures.
Special thanks to Northstar Church, Blacksburg, Virginia for providing these beautifully crafted study guides for Season 1 through 3.